- Client
- 21K School
- Services
- TVCs
- Social Media
21K School was a case of being at the right place and at the right time. Launched in June 2020, right at the height of the pandemic and lockdown, its online-only school model made absolute sense. It was a time when convincing parents to enrol their wards in such a school was terribly easy. The challenge lay in selling the story beyond the lockdown, when things would go back to normal.
21K School approached Water Communications for a long-term strategy that would help sustain its appeal and equity beyond the lockdown. As a 360 o creative advertising agency with a track record of brand building, we were ideally suited for the client’s brand communications requirement.
As always, we carefully studied and examined 21K’s model and product – and, in fact, the entire concept of online-only schooling. It threw up a few important insights. Online-only schooling was a new concept in India. It would require educating and convincing parents about its efficacy; fortunately, that task was partly accomplished thanks to the lockdown. To extend the appeal beyond lockdown, we examined global models of online schooling and found that this schooling format existed in quite a few countries long before the pandemic and lockdown.
Amongst the key insights was convenience, constantly updated curriculum, study-to-extracurricular ratio, and development of an all-round child, ready for real life of the future. All of which pointed to a degree of education that was superior to the traditional schooling model. Given the mindset of the target audience (20s to 30s modern parents), we figured a mix of digital and social media would lead out the communications, albeit with some support from print media.
21K School offered its students three curricula – Indian, British and American. Given the pedigree and quality of its partners, which reflected in the curriculum, ‘quality’ and ‘world class’ levels of education were assured. Also, the online model that helped balance work and play (learning through play!), meant the entire product was stanced towards helping the child ‘do more’. And that led to the solid campaign platform of ‘Be More’ (which is visible in creatives embedded into the rest of this case study).
The ‘Be More’ thought was strategically hammered through every medium – from WhatsApp forwards and Social posts to newspaper and magazine ads, TVCs and Digital films. In all online work, SEO and other metrics were optimised.
Print communications for 21K School included not just newspaper and magazine ads, but hardcopy brochures (same also in digital format) as well. The brochures were, in fact, very necessary as hand-outs to parents of existing and potential students at physical get-togethers and expos. These were parents who were already considering the idea of online-only schooling, and hence needed that vital final push.
For brochures, we conveyed a more detailed and micro story – revolved around the central ‘Be More’ theme. The concept was substantiated here by padding it with the support story of the pedigree of the promoters and teaching staff, and ‘world class’ quality of curriculum.

Newspaper and magazine ads didn’t have the luxury of cramming in so much information and hence, here, we stayed within the tighter ‘Be More’ concept. There were also some print ads required to attract teaching talent and these, of course, used a different hook.

Social Media presents a different challenge than conventional print, even if the final output revolves around creative imagery. Water Communications has all the resources to render clients’ social media campaigns impactful.
In case of 21K School, the sharp focus of the umbrella campaign ‘Be More’ had to reflect in the Social campaign as well. The timing was the key – around that part of the year when parents’ attention start to turn towards schooling matters. In 2020, this attention took on an even greater concern, given the pandemic and thus the entire schooling system forced to go online.
There was short-term gain in focusing on the online-only model; however, that stance would have been limiting and would make this unique brand seem like every other school. In any case, ‘online schooling’ was a given at the time – it was what even the most traditional brick-and-mortar school was compelled to offer. However, there was an entire world of difference between what they offered under ‘online schooling’ and what our client offered.
We therefore expanded the canvas to the real long-term benefits of 21K School – the quality, world class education, forever-with-the-times curriculum, flexibility, all-round child development… which was all encapsulated within the ‘Be More’ concept.
This concept we lensed through various creative thoughts to create a series of ‘Be More’ campaigns for Social. We were thus able to convey the entire 21K School story in short, regular but highly effective bursts.